Friday, January 29, 2016

Student Store: A Classroom Management System

As a special education teacher, it takes time to get to know your students and learn what motivates them. After a semester with my students and with some research, I finally developed a management system that I felt would be effective for all my students in the K-8 range. Thus, the Student Store was born! :) 

Every day when my students come to small group, they are expected for follow our "star" rules: Sit up big, Track with your eyes or finger, Answer on signal, Respect all people and things. If the students follow these rules, they will receive a star dollar at the end of group time. Students save dollars in their wallets. To make the dollars, I used green card stock and copied a template for "star dollars" from Teachers Pay Teachers onto the pages. I use small folder pockets for student wallets. 

At the end of every month, students have the opportunity to spend their star dollars at the Learning Center Student Store. Items range in price from $5-$20. I collected items from the dollar section at target and through donations from aides and teachers at my school. 

This has been a wonderful classroom management system for me, and I hope that these ideas can help you as well! :)

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